教程写的很好, 我按照教程跑了一部分
这部分没有跑, 看了看directive里面的代码, 通过v-scroll里面的参数来进行判断的, 然后把toPath里面的参数传入进来,
我根据教程学习, 然后顺便添加了一个lodash throttle 来’节流’
创建一个vue demo
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| import Vue from 'vue' import throttle from "lodash/throttle"; Vue.directive('scroll', { inserted: (el, binding) => { let f = evt => { if (binding.value(evt, el)) { window.removeEventListener('scroll', f) } } window.addEventListener('scroll', throttle(f, 300)) console.log(el, binding) } })
import "./directive";
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| <HelloWorld v-scroll="handleScroll" class="box" msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js App"/> ````
可以是任何元素 使用 v-scroll="xxx"
```js // .... handleScroll (evt, el) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(19, evt, el, window.scrollY) // judeg window.scroll, execution TweenMax function if (window.scrollY > 50) { TweenMax.to(el, .3, { y: -10, opacity: 1, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef ease: Sine.easeOut }) } // to meet the conditions return true else return false return window.scrollY > 100 } // ...
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| .box { opacity: 0; transition: 1.5s all cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1); }